Monday, December 25, 2006

Moving On Up

I am going to make a new year's resolution to cut down on my blogs...
I have been using different platforms for a few years now and am settling in on what I like at typepad for now.

This may be my last blog post here

Please sign up and register on

Thank you Blogger...

Friday, December 15, 2006

Anyone Wanna Go Pee?

I know that finding a washroom in London or any major city can be a hard thing to find but surely this goes one step too far...WC1 is the place to be and be seen in London. It is the first time hanging out and powdering your nose are being promoted together. Us men know that women often "go" together so I suppose this is just some form of coming out celebration.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

The Design Process

Mark Oestreicher blogged on this one and thought it was classic and worth sharing. The design and execution of any decent sized project so often matches these series of pictures unfortunatley...
